We offer the best independent electronic repair services for your Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT)

Electro Techno is proud to offer top-of-the-line services in the transportation sector. With our many years of experience, your Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT) will be operational again as soon as possible! Our independent electronic repair services are reliable and cost-effective and will help you get back to business quickly. Having customer experience at heart, we offer a quality service supported by rigorous testing procedures. As an independent repair company, we have accumulated considerable experience in the repair of parts from major manufacturers in the industry, such as Bombardier, Panasonic, Transtechnik, Mitsubishi Electronics, Toshiba, ABB, Alstom, Siemens, Luminator/Pocatec/Axion, Knorr/Lanka, SAFT and more. With Electro-Techno, you are in good hands.

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Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT)

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We offer the best electronic repair services when it comes to fixing your Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT)

Electro Techno is proud to offer top of the line services in the transport sector. With our many years of experience, your Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT) will be given a second breath in no time! Our electronic repair services are reliable and cost-effective without impairing your ability to deliver your services and resume your operations! We have experience in repairing parts manufactured by major OEMs like Mitsubishi Electronics, Toshiba, ABB, Alstom, Q-Tron, Siemens, and much more!

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Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistor (IGBT)

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